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Practice Library
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Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
- 25 minute gentle floor flow - basic - feel the support (27:14)
- 26 minute Balance Practice - mixed-level - 1/2 moon, Warrior 1 to Warrior 3 - Armor of God (26:04)
- 32 minute balance practice - basic - Overcoming the Wobbles (31:57)
- 28 minute gentle floor flow - basic - chest openers (27:36)
- 31 minute energizing standing practice - mixed-level - whatever position we are in leads to hope (31:26)
- 32 minute energizing standing practice - basic - chest and hip openers (32:23)
- 32 minute balance practice - basic - get quiet and listen (31:40)
- 33 minute balance practice - basic - pressed down, shaken together, running over (32:57)
- 32 minute - mixed-level - energizing alignment (31:52)
- 34 minute - mixed-level - strong-flow - shine where you are (33:49)
- 34 minute - basic - slow flow (34:12)
- 34 minute standing flow - basic - move to get still (34:17)
- 34 minute - basic - mobilize and balance - heart, mind, soul and strength (34:19)
- 35 minute balance practice - basic - co-creation (34:42)
- 35 minute - basic (upper body strength required) - draw to the center (34:53)
- 35 minute energizing practice – mixed-level – get moving and set your intention for the day! (34:13)
- 30 minutes - basic - no weight on hands (30:30)
- 31 minute - mixed-level - standing flow - come as simply and honestly as you can (31:01)
- 35 minute - mixed level - presence in the midst of effort and ease (35:28)
- 36 minute - mixed-level - love take over (36:29)
- 36 minute - mixed-level - being dismantled to become whole (35:09)
- 36 minute - mixed-level - leg strength with balance - Do not worry (35:41)
- 37 minute - intermediate - challenging balance - wake up oh sleeper! (36:44)
- 37 minutes - basic - standing practice - live and move and have our being in Him (36:23)
Available in
after you enroll
- 45 minute - Gentle floor-flow - soaking in the goodness of your life (44:55)
- 46 minute - gentle back relief - do not be anxious (45:56)
- 46 minute - Gentle floor-flow - humility and grace (46:08)
- 46 minute - Gentle Floor Flow - Gratitude (45:56)
- 48 minute - Gentle floor-flow - I.T. band and hip openers (48:31)
- 48 minute - gentle back relief - He will make a way (48:11)
- 50 minute - gentle floor-flow - Heart, mind, soul and strength (49:21)
- 52 minute - Gentle floor-flow - FLOW, being awake to God and Self (52:22)
- New*2023 55 min - Isaiah 55 - Go out in joy and be led forth in peace (55:20)
- *2023 55 min - Life or death, love or fear (55:17)
- *2023 57 min - Live and move and have your being in Him (56:45)
- *2023 58 min - Psalm 62 (58:09)
- *2023 59 min - Galations 3_only crazy people - side bends, twists and quad stretch (59:12)
- *2023 - 59 min - Galations 3_only crazy people _ side bends, twists and quad stretch (59:12)
- *2023 59 min - Matthew 11 - shoulder awareness (59:06)
Available in
after you enroll
- *2024 - 63 minute - mixed-level - Belt of Truth (62:01)
- 61 min - Down dog deep dive - Patterns of thinking and being (61:35)
- 61 min - Psalm 42 (61:12)
- 61 minute - basic - opening hip flexors (61:54)
- 62 min - love vs fear - settle into grace (61:40)
- 62 minute - mixed level flow - Confidence in man or God (62:34)
- 63 min - fine tuning shoulder and core_Psalm 32 (62:39)
- 65 minute - mixed-level - balance in transitions (64:11)
- 65 min - Philippians 1 and 4 - pelvis alignment (64:56)
- 71 minute - basic, mixed/level - Standing practice, hamstring and hip openers (71:00)
- 72 - basic - Envy to grace (71:00)
- 73 minutes - Mixed-level - Rest - IT bands and hamstrings (73:33)
- 74 minute - mixed-level - receive the good gift (73:11)
- 75 minute - basic - Receive Mercy, Find Grace (78:27)
- 75 minute - basic - breathing into resistance (73:41)
- 75 minutes - mixed level - salvation and sanctification (76:36)
- 75 minute - mixed-level - Turn the Tables (75:40)
- 76 minute - mixed-level - All of the Warriors (75:42)
- 78 minute - mixed-level - quads, side body, balance (77:59)
- 80 minute - basic - Gentle/restorative (80:09)
- 81 Minute - Challenging strong flow - mixed-level - chest openers, back strength (81:30)
- 90 minute - basic - Elijah at the end of himself (88:18)